AJ Pastor and I go way back–like, back to high school, way back. I’ve watched him grow on an incredible journey of creativity, from hilarious YouTube skits and music videos, to elaborate video productions with special effects on stage in front of a huge audience in college. His photography and photo editing skills have grown leaps and bounds, too–he’s gone from publishing super-cool, zany edits on his Xanga years ago to high-tech photo manipulations published on the cover of magazines.
I’d designed a logo for AJ years ago, when my skills weren’t at the level they are now, either. :) So I was more than thrilled when he asked me to refresh and update his branding. His work is much more high end now. He needed a logo to reflect that.
Here’s a look at the logo before:
And here’s what I created for his new brand:
We love the simple, clean look of this new logo, which uses a classic style font paired with simple typography and some special tweaks for added interest. AJ’s work encompasses much more than just photography or videography, so we didn’t want to limit him by adding a graphic to try to represent one or two of those things like the old logo did. We also supplied him with another square version that could be used as a social media logo, a subtle watermark on photos, and more. Although–we think the main logo looks pretty awesome as a watermark, too.
Another big part of AJ’s brand refresh was a website facelift. His old website was dark, and the functionality wasn’t great. It also wasn’t mobile friendly, and for a guy who is all about technology, that wasn’t cutting it! AJ had tried some mobile adaptations for his site in the past, but they didn’t match the desktop version and were difficult to update.
So, we launched a new website for AJ, below, one that integrates well with his social media accounts, especially Instagram, where he is always posting fresh content (follow him!). Best of all, it looks just as good on mobile devices as it does on a desktop.
So there’s a little look at the work we’ve done for AJ. He’s super busy finishing up optometry school (I told you he’s a man of many talents!), but AJ’s always got something creative brewing in the background, so bookmark his site and follow him on social media to keep up!
Thinking that it’s time to refresh your own brand? Send us a message with your ideas! We’d love to talk!
^_^ Awe! Thank you for everything!!! Always my number 1 go to for branding and life in general! Also one of my greatest friends of all time!